Differential Protein Expression Analysis

The focus of this analysis is to determine which proteins are over- or under expressed in comparison to a control. The statistical t-test determines whether two group have the same mean, the ANOVA test whether several groups have the same mean. 


Data Import

Load the "proteinGroups.txt" file from a MaxQuant search into Perseus using the Matrix > Green Arrow command.

Move the Label Free Quantification  (LFQ intensity ...) columns into the Main section.

Hit the OK Button.






The Proteus programme interface is divided into several regions: 

1 - Data Processing Functions

2 - Visualisation Tools

3 - Export

4 - Tables

5 - Processing steps

*S. Tyanova and J. Cox, “Perseus: A Bioinformatics Platform for Integrative Analysis of Proteomics Data in Cancer Research.,” Methods Mol Biol, vol. 1711, pp. 133-148, 2018

Comments: matthias.wilm@ucd.ie