RNAlysis - Windows Installation

- GraphViz: A visualisation software: Source - Installer

- R: A statistical analysis package: Source - Installer 

    Installation: Needs to be installed in a writeable folder i.e. ...Documents/Programs/

- R Package: DeSeq2 (needs to be installed from the running the R-programme in Windows): Source

    Installation: Run the following code from the R-command line after having started the R programme: 

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))



- Kallisto : Python script to quantify RNAseq data: Source - Installer: copy the files to "C:\Program Files\kallisto"

- RNAlysis : RNAseq data analysis programme: Source - Installer: copy the RNAlysis folder to "C:\Program Files\"

- FastQC: Sequence quality check programme: Source - Installer : Decompress the zip-file and move the FastQC folder to "C:\Program Files\"

- Java Runtime Environment: Required to run FastQC: Source - Installer : Double-click the installer and follow instructions

Make a test run of RNAlysis

Comments: matthias.wilm@ucd.ie
